
Principles of Aquaculture

Time limit: 90 days

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Dr. Lovshin is an aquaculture scientist with 32 years of experience in aquaculture education, extension, research and project management. He has over 11 years of residential field experience in Togo, West Africa, Brazil and Panama. He has provided technical assistance and/or short training programs in aquaculture in 13 Latin American countries, Jamaica, Egypt, Indonesia, Thailand Vietnam and China. He is knowledgeable about freshwater tropical and temperate climate fish culture and has broad experience in the implementation of training, extension and research programs for warm water fish production in the United States and Latin America. His major areas of research interest are in aquaculture production and distance education.  As a professor in the Department of Fisheries at Auburn, Dr. Lovshin has coordinated the Master of Aquaculture program and taught courses in Hatchery Management,  Principles of Aquaculture and Introduction to Fisheries Sciences.

The principles of management of capture and culture fisheries are very different from each other. In the case of capture fisheries one has to attempt to harvest maximum sustainable yield by regulating fishing effort and mesh after taking into account parameters of population dynamics such as rates of recruitment, natural and fishing mortalities, fish growth and size at which recruitment occurs. Management of capture fisheries requires knowledge of the dynamics of the fish populations under exploitation. The extended exclusive economic zone of 200 miles brings into focus the national and international complexities of regulating the capture fisheries of the seas and the oceans and apportionment of the marine harvest because fish populations do not abide by man-made boundaries.